Moving to Preact
Hi Guys, It's been a while since I don't share with you cool stuff, so this is why I decided to take some time to introduce you to Preact. Basically Preact it's the same as React, it's a library which help us to manipulate the virtual DOM in the same way React does, but most important thing is that it's under the MIT license. Why is this so important? Well I don't want to make a big deal about it, but some time Ago the Apache Software Foundation made some changes to the the BSD + Patents license which is the React's license (more over is the License Facebook uses for all its projects) basically that change implies that if you compete with facebook your React (or any other facebook framework you use) your license will be terminated. You can read more about this change in this thread or this post (and this is the official announcement from Facebook which tell us that they're going to stick with their current lincense), because I don't want to ...