VBA Introduction - Excel
Hi Everybody, today i'm gonna teach you how to code in Excel, Word, PowerPoint, etc. But you should ask you: Is that possible? Yes it is, with VBA or Visual Basic for Application. In fact you can code in any program that belongs to Microsoft Office to make your life easier using Macros. Everybody can create macros using the recorder, but this option limits a lot, because the steps that you recorder are just the ones that always the Macro is going to execute I mean is to static, but what happens if you want to make it a little bit more dynamic, well that's where VBA appear. This time we are going to create a Macro in Excel and with this we are going to learn: Format options Conditional Sentences With Use Ok fisrt of all we need to Open Excel and activate the Developer Tab: Go to File Click on Options Click on Customize Ribbon Select Developer in the Main Tabs bucket Click Ok Now once we have the developer Tab, to create a Macro we have to c...